--Winston Churchill
Tragedy is very hard to understand.
Recently a wonderful resident's wife came in to the hospital with an unexpected abruption and a dead baby at 32wks. No risk factors, no reason why this should have happened. They are a wonderful Christian couple who were so excited to be having a baby. Contrast this to the 16 year old high school girl who uses cocaine and has no prenatal care and delivers a gorgeous healthy baby. Really?
A group of extremely poor but kind people who live in poverty in Haiti are suffering from an earthquake. Their country which honestly was already in complete disarray is even harder off now. Children in orphanages that hardly had enough to eat are now without a home and likely food.
Here I sit in my home in Alabama and I am so blessed. I have never known what it is to be without shelter, food or drinkable water. I have electricity and indoor plumbing. I have a car to drive and money to put gas into it when it is empty. I am absolutely blessed.
There is an interesting Nooma series video called "Rich" by Rob Bell, a great pastor from Grand Rapids, MI that talks about how blessed we are as Americans. It is so true! You may be thinking that you don’t have that new TV or car or as big of a home that you want but if you have access to in the internet to read this silly blog then you are immensely wealthy! What are you going to do with your blessings? How are you going to share them with the poor in your town and those across the globe?
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Rest and Relaxation
So well stated, Sarah! We are incredibly blessed and take so much for granted! I'll have to check out that Nooma series!
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