--Winston Churchill
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways aknowledge him and he will keep your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5&6
This was one of the favorite verses of my Great Grandmother. It has popped into my mind as I sit in the Grand Rapids airport and wonder when the next time will be that I return to this area.
As I think about what it means to truly Trust in the Lord, I realize how little I actually do of this and rather try to control every situation in my Type A personality way to doing things. Matt and I are finding ourselves at a life crossroads as we are contemplating where life is taking us after the completion of my Fellowship this July. It seems that there are several options that are feasable and none of which are "wrong." It is my prayer that as our friends and family you will join Matt and I in prayer as we embark upon this journey of growing up! :)
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Rest and Relaxation
I love this verse too, Sarah! What a comfort God's word is to us...reminding us that we are to trust in the one who knows not only what will happen today but in 20 years from now! You and Matt are in our prayers as you wait to see what exactly God has in store for you!
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